When to use the Simple Present Tense?
The simple present tense is used when describing facts, routines, and habits. It refers to activities that you do on a regular basis—things you do daily, weekly, monthly, and so on!
How to use the Simple Present Tense?
You need to look at the subject. If the subject is singular (he, she, it), look at the ending letters of verbs and make the following changes:
- if the last two letters of the verbs are (vowel + y), add (s).
Vowel letters are (a, i, o, u, e). So, if the final letters of the verbs are any of the vowel letters with (y), add (s). Let’s look at the following examples:
play = plays – He plays the guitar every weekend.
Buy = buys – She buys groceries every Friday evening.
Stay = stays – He stays with his friends every Friday evening.
2. If the last letters of verbs are (consonant + y), delete (y) and add (ies)
Consonant letters are all the English letters except of the vowel letters. Let’s have a look at the following examples:
carry = carries – She carries her books to school every day.
Study = studies – He studies after classes.
worry = worries – She worries a lot about her future.
3. If the last letters of verbs are (ss, es, sh, ch, x, o, z), add (es). Let’s have a look at the following examples:
watch = watches – He watches TV every night.
Wash = washes – She washes the dishes after eating.
do = does – He does his homework after school.
4. Add (s) to letter that end with (e). Let’s have a look at the following examples:
Make = makes – She makes delicious cakes.
Ride = rides – He rides his bicycle every evening.
love = loves – She loves her cat.
So, you need to follow the explained simple present tense rules with singular subjects only. Meaning that, if the subjects are (I, they, we, you), don’t make any changes to the verbs. Here are some sentences for simple present tense:
He plays with his toy. They play with their toys.
She washes the dishes. I wash the dishes
How to form questions using the simple present tense?
You need to look at the subject. If the subjects are (he, she, it), start with (does). If the subjects are (I, they, we, you), start with (do). As for the verbs, don’t add anything to the verbs. If you have (does & do), do not add anything to the verbs. Let’s have a look at the following examples to understand the idea about simple present tense question much better:
Does he play with his toy?
Explanation: with the use of (does), we should not add (s) to (play).
Do they play with their toys?
Explanation: with the use of (do), we should not add anything to (play).
Here are a few more simple present tense examples for you to get the idea:
Does he like ice cream?
Do they play basketball?
Does he study every evening?
Do the kids go to school by bus?
How to form negative sentences using the simple present tense?
You need to add (not) after (does & do) and the verbs should be maintained as they are without making any changes. Let’s have a look at the following simple present examples to learn more about the negative sentences:
He does not play tennis every day.
She does not go shopping every week.
They do not go the park every weekend.
I do not watch TV every evening.
*You can even use the contraction form (doesn’t & don’t). It depends on the person you speak to. Use (does not & do not) in formal settings & use (doesn’t & don’t) in informal settings.
Let’s have a short exercise about simple present tense & type your answers below in the comments section 🙂
She _____ her homework every night.
They _____ go to the park every weekends.
He _____ enjoy reading novels.
I _____ not like basketball.
She _____ not understand the instructions well.
We _____ not watch TV frequently.
_____ you have a cat?
_____ he know how to ride a bike?
_____ they need help with their presentation?
I hope you find this English grammar lesson useful, let me know if you have any questions related to the use of the simple present tense or if you have any suggestions for the upcoming topics. Yesterday, I explained about the use of the past continuous tense so feel free to check it 🙂 Also, if you need a private discussion or lessons, email me 🙂
Have a great day & take care!
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